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Kalkulator lokatSavings calculator Polish
Kalkulator lokat dla iPhone

See also mortgage calculator

Initial balance
Periodic contribution amount (?)
Periodical contribution every period
Annual Percentage Yield %
Number of renews
Tax yield %
Minimum taxable interest
Interest rounding method mathematic
(down <5; up >=5)
cut (floor)
cut after second decimal digit
Calculated interest rate for period whole period: 8%
period invested amount interest tax net interest interest balance
1 10 000,00 800,00 152 648,00 648,00


Why this calculator is useful?

Because :

- it is based on Polish rules, however you can modify tax rate and minimum taxable amount to adjust other country rules,
- you can calculate interest rate with compound and tax for each period,
- you can use rtwo methods of interest rounding - mathematical rounding to nearest number or cut after second decimal digit,
- you can check what would be your investments if there were no tax,
- you can check how much you can invest to avoid tax (daily interest rate lower than 2,50)

See also mortgage calculator where you can compare bank loans and social lending loans from KOKOS service